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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisangrassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacyeducation, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.


Carol Smith proclamation

Margate honors League with Women's History proclamation


Long-time League member Carol Smith was invited to accept a proclamation honoring Women's History Month at the Margate City Commission meeting recently. 

Florida and book bans 

Join EveryLibrary Live! for a policy discussion with the League of Women Voters of Florida and the Florida Freedom to Read Project about a recent study of school library policies in place in Florida’s 67 school districts. 

This YouTube video of the discussion includes Margie Rohrbach, chair of the Broward League Education Action Team.

Florida continues to be at the center of the fight for the right to read in K-12, with laws that have greatly expanded the state’s ability to restrict books. Panelists share findings on Florida legislation and regulations concerning school library objections, the content of the policies posted by the districts, how the policies are being enacted, and legal challenges. The report includes a composite case study, constructed from public records, that describes how districts are currently navigating library materials objections. Panelists will share practical recommendations to clarify school board policies on book objections.

Fluoridation: History, Health and What Evidence-Based Science Says

Dr. Johnny Johnson, pediatric dentist and President of the American Fluoridation Society, will present and answer questions about the science of fluoridation of public water on Wednesday, April 9 at 7 p.m.

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League Annual Meeting: April 26

All members of the League of Women Voters of Broward County are invited to attend the annual meeting Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom.

At this meeting, members vote on a slate of officers for the next year, the budget and for additions or changes to League action issues. 

No later than 30 days before the meeting, members are emailed a packet of documents on which members will vote.

A link to register for the annual meeting will be available soon. 

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