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Medicaid expansion is major legislative priority

Published on 7/2/2024
Medicaid expansion is major legislative priority 

The LWV Broward Health Care Committee partners with Florida Voices for Health, the Florida Health Justice Project and other like-minded groups in a state-wide coalition committed to improve health care access by expanding Medicaid.

Florida is one of only 10 state that has NOT expanded Medicaid, leaving 800,000 without healthcare coverage.

Expanding Florida Medicaid is a legislative priority for the 2026 ballot.

The 2020 law regarding constitutional amendments by citizen initiatives has made it exceedingly expensive to run a petition drive; therefore, efforts are focused on raising funds to underwrite this effort. Please donate to Florida Decides Healthcare 

To find out more about signing petitions or helping with the drive, contact the chair of LWV Broward health care committee,