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Door knockers: A targeted technique that is safe, even during a pandemic

Monica Elliott | Published on 9/1/2020

Targeted distribution of 10,000 door hangers reminding people to vote, how to vote and why they should vote was completed by members of the League, Florida Voter Mobilization Project, and Voter Participation Project.

The key word is “targeted.” We didn’t just pick a neighborhood, we targeted specific precincts and specific houses within a precinct. Door hangers provided a safe means of distributing our message without coming in contact with people.

Our Vice President Alex Johnson learned that the LWVF is a beneficiary of State Voices (, which provides non-partisan, non-profit political organizations, like the League, free access to NPG VAN (VAN=Voter Activation Network). Alex and Monica Elliott, our President, are now certified to use the database and software.

Targeted precincts were those with the lowest turnout of registered voters. The contact list within each precinct is narrowed even further by selecting those with a 25 to 75% propensity to vote. 

This range eliminates those above 75%, those who almost always vote, and those below 25%, those who never vote. This helps us to use our volunteer time as efficiently as possible as they walk the streets! Precincts are dividing into “turf areas,” again to use efficient time of our volunteers.

Thank you to Anthony Ginsberg, Phyllis Luber, Shirley Richards, Margie and Ted Rohrbach, Carl Rosendorf, Andrea Sleeper and Carol and Dick Smith!  

We will be doing this again for the November election, probably starting in early October. While 10,000 hangers seems like a lot – remember, over 330,000 registered voters did NOT vote in the 2016 presidential election.

If you would like to participate, please contact Andrea Sleeper at