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President's Message: Moving forward

Monica Elliott | Published on 5/20/2021

Moving Forward

The only item that the Florida legislature is constitutionally bound to complete each session is the passage of a budget. Too bad they did more than that this year! Three laws in particular are going to affect the League and how we will be operating in the future.
First, there is a new elections law, SB 90. It does not stop third-party organizations, such as the League, from registering voters, but it does mandate a list of statements that we must provide to everyone we register. This will also apply to those voters who are only updating their voter registration, such as changing their address, party affiliation, or name. 
On May 6, the Florida LWV joined the Black Voters Matter Fund, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, and several individual Florida voters to file a lawsuit challenging SB 90. However, until the litigation is complete, we must abide by SB 90. Although this legislation is burdensome, the League is ready to meet the challenge. We need to remember that in Broward County, the League registers only a small portion of new voters each year. What we do the best is to EDUCATE the voter on the voting process and to help GET OUT THE VOTE! We will continue to engage in both of these important parts of the democratic process at every event we attend. The facts are that Broward County has a very high voter registration rate, but we are a county with a less than stellar voter turnout. Sadly, SB 90 may decrease voter turnout, which means that we need to increase our efforts toward voter education, and we must expand GOTV efforts in our county.
The second law that will affect the League concerns efforts to place constitutional amendments on the ballot (SB 1890). These efforts cost money. Every signed petition that is ultimately turned into the SOE office has a cost associated with it. This new law bans anyone from contributing more than $3,000 to committees that are trying to get amendments on the ballot. If the amendment does get certified by the Secretary of State and given an amendment number for the ballot, this contribution cap is lifted. But, let’s face it, gathering the signatures is the hardest part! Without money to pay for submission of the petitions, there is no point to gathering signatures.
The final law that may affect the League is HB 1, technically called “Combating Public Disorder.” As stated by the LWVFL: “The new law tramples over free speech and fair dissent. The League believes the law is undemocratic and hostile to Americans’ shared values. This fast tracked effort had one goal: silence, criminalize, and penalize Floridians who want to see justice.” However, it won’t stop the Broward League from marching or gathering to support or protest government actions!
We did both on May 8 for the nonpartisan National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Action Day. This day was devoted to supporting the For the People Act (HR1/S1) and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR4) at the national level. The event included a Votercade (motorcade) from the SOE in Lauderhill to a Pompano Beach park. To start the Votercade, speeches were given at the SOE office, with Denise Elliott speaking on behalf of the Broward League. Other League members included Andrea Sleeper, who organized the League’s participation, Deborah Davis, Margie Rohrbach, Linda Thigpen, Peggy Thomas, and Marilyn Zelin. Thank you ladies! It was the Broward League’s first event since March 2020. It feels good to know there will be more to come in 2021.