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President's Message: Ocoee Election Day Massacre of 1920

Monica L. Elliott | Published on 8/12/2021

Ocoee Election Day Massacre of 1920


“American history has completely erased the martyrs of 1920.”  Quote from Dr. Paul Ortiz’s book Emancipation Betrayed.  Ortiz’s presentation on the Ocoee Massacre to our League on August 11 was a sobering and enlightening event.  If you were not able to attend or would like to hear it again, go to


Erased from History

In 1920, the Ocoee Massacre was an event written about nationally and internationally.  Why don’t we know about it, or the history of black organizing prior to the November 1920 election?  This is a vital piece of Florida history that was essentially erased from history – intentionally!  With the passage of HB 1213 in the 2020 State Legislature, the Ocoee Massacre is now required to be included in the educational instruction on African-American history (  However, it is an unfunded mandate.


November 2, 2021

This date will be the 101st anniversary of the Ocoee Massacre.  It is also the date for the Special Primary Election for Congressional District 20, the seat previously held by the late Rep. Alcee Hastings.  About 57% of the population is registered to vote, divided into 62% Democrats, 13% Republicans, 24% No Party Affiliation (NPA) and 1% Other.  The political pundits all indicate that whoever wins the Democratic primary on Nov. 2 will win the Special General Election on Jan. 11, 2022.


Educate No Party Affiliation Voters

We need to educate the NPAs to the fact that they will not be able to vote in the Nov. 2 Special Primary Election, unless they change their voter registration.  Florida is a closed primary state.  You must be registered with a party in order to vote in a primary election.  See for a full explanation.  If you live in District 20 or knows someone who does, make sure they are aware of this situation.  They can update their voter registration at  And, if they are not registered to vote, they can do so at the same website.