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BallotTrax – Tracking Your Vote-By-Mail Ballot

Monica Elliott | Published on 4/8/2022

BallotTrax – Tracking Your Vote-By-Mail Ballot


Over 475,000 Broward County registered voters used Vote-By-Mail ballots to cast their vote in the 2020 general election. That number is almost equal to the number (488,724) who voted in-person, either during early voting or on Election Day.


Vote-By-Mail was primarily used in 2020 as a means to keep ourselves safe from the Covid-19 virus. However, the special elections held in 2021 and early 2022, confirm that Vote-By-Mail is the preferred method of voting in this county. An obvious advantages is you can vote in the privacy of your own home, at a time that is convenient to you!


But, some voters have concerns about Vote-By-Mail, such as: Has the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office sent my ballot? Or, has the SOE received my ballot and counted it? No need to worry in this year’s election. The Broward SOE has added a new tool to keep voters informed about their Vote-By-Mail ballot using BallotTrax.


BallotTrax tracks your Vote-By-Mail ballot through the U.S. postal system. You can receive alerts via email, text or phone message. You are alerted four times: 1) when your ballot is printed, 2) when ballot is mailed to you, 3) when ballot is received at the SOE office and 4) when ballot is counted.


If you have already made a Vote-By-Mail request, then you are automatically enrolled in BallotTrax. If do not want to be enrolled or want to change or update how and when you are alerted, go to You can even select the language used in the alerts! Simply sign-in with your first and last name, date of birth and zip code.


For more information, go to or watch this YouTube video



Monica Elliott


League of Women Voters of Broward County