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New guidance on League voter registration efforts

Cecile M. Scoon | Published on 4/16/2022

Dear League members,


I am pleased to share a reader-friendly, digestibleoverview of our Senate Bill 90 court ruling&our updatedvoter registration guidance.


Click here to access the ruling overview and our updated voter registration guidance.


This document should be considered theofficial guidancefrom our state headquarters that many members have sought after learning about our landslide victory in our litigation surrounding the voter suppression vehicle that was Senate Bill 90 (2021).Until notified differently, this guidance must be adhered to by the Florida League members who participate in League-sanctioned voter registration efforts.


To disseminate this information as quickly as possible, we have chosen to send this document on its own for the time being. In the days ahead, the general voter registration training materials on our website will be updated to reflect this new guidance.


Click here to access the ruling overview and our updated voter registration guidance.



This victory is due to all of our unified efforts across our state and every Florida League member should be proud!


In League,



Cecile M. Scoon, Esq.


League of Women Voters of Florida