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Broward restricts single-use plastics on county property

Bonnie L Gross | Published on 5/26/2022
After many months of deliberation, the Broward County Commission approved the following administrative code change on April 26, 2022. 

Our League wrote and spoke in support of this code change over the past eight months. This is a major step forward in the movement to limit single use plastics and to educate the public, businesses, and governmental officials about the environmental and health hazards of plastics. We will continue to lobby cities in Broward that have not yet passed similar restrictions.

Broward County passed a resolution to amend the existing administrative code to restrict the distribution, sale, and use of expanded polystyrene (foam) items, and single-use plastic straws and stirrers on County properties - including parks, airport terminals, and cruise ship terminals. The amendment also includes a ban on the use and release of Chinese lanterns, and confetti on County property. The code amendment is effective June 1, 2022, and it applies to county contracts, with provisions to address contract renewals and amendments, as well as active solicitations. It was the final hearing.
What is your city doing to reduce plastics? Find out, and let us help you create change.