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EqualiTEA event, Aug. 27, 2022

Bonnie L Gross | Published on 8/27/2022
About 40 people celebrated Women's Equality Day 2022 by attending a program at the Main Library presented by the League of Women Voters  of Broward County. 

Several people came dressed as suffagists.

Denise Elliott, Monica Elliott, Margie Rohrbach and Bonnie Gross presented brief profiles of Florida suffragists and a short video about suffragist Inez Milholland was shown. (read more about her here; her story is remarkable).

Afterwards, attendees looked at the exhibit the League had on display, which ends Aug. 30. 

2022-08 LWV Equalitea 004- four suffragistss

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Denise Elliott introducing Dr Mary McLeod Bethune

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Monica Elliott introducing Ivy Stranahan.

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Margie Rohrback introducing Ruth Bryan Owen.

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Bonnie Gross introducing Marjory Stoneman Douglas.