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Broward's Lock It Up is growing

Published on 9/2/2023
The Broward League of Women Voters is proud to share that our Lock It Up! gun violence prevention program is spreading to other leagues. 

The Palm Beach league has partnered with their local VA to distribute locks in the community and have forged other partnerships that include libraries, the FAU Veterans Affair Office, and People of Purpose, an organization serving returning citizens. They've also scheduled a webinar with the AFSP on Monday Aug. 14 at 9 am. They will be presenting their training "Talk Saves Lives: Suicide Prevention for the LGBTQ Community."   

In the Upper Keys, their league has distributed over 2,000 locks in just over a month and has formed over 20 community partnerships with churches, pubs, civic clubs, and the public defender, to name a few.  
In Polk County, the league has partnered with the Sheriff's office to create a PSA about locking up guns, as well as partnering with preschools, and tabling at many events. They have distributed over 500 locks, and they're just getting started. The Orlando league is ready to get started with their own Lock It Up! program. 

As for Broward, we have over 250 partners and have distributed over 35,000 locks. We've given hundreds of gun safety presentations and tabled at hundreds of events. Our message for our sister leagues is:  Keep up the great work! We're so proud of you.