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Apply for Margaret McGrath League Leadership Program

Published on 9/26/2023

Apply for Margaret McGrath League Leadership Program

This past January, the League lost an active member and leader when Margaret McGrath died unexpectedly. In her memory, friends and family generously donated to a fund the Broward League established to develop future leaders, like Margaret, in our League. 

Below is an explanation of the program and information on applying for the program. Self-nominations are very welcome! However, if you know someone who you feel should be a candidate, please reach out to them directly to encourage them to apply or contact Co-Presidents Margie Rohrbach or Monica Elliott with your suggested candidate(s).

Be assured that we are not starting this program from scratch. We are modeling our program on the very successful leadership program the Collier County League began about five years ago. 

Why: The primary mission of the program is to build a strong bench of local League leaders. Participants will be asked to agree to lead a project, a committee or take a director or officer position in the League following the program. The program is a 2-year process.

Who: Eight League members will be selected by the Board of Directors of the Broward League. There is no cost to the participants. All meals and any other operating costs will be covered by the Margaret McGrath Leadership Fund.

What: In the first year, the program will consist of five three-hour Saturday morning sessions followed by lunch for socializing. 

Sessions will cover administrative responsibilities, including bylaws, program and budget as well as providing an introduction to the work of the League at local, state and national levels. Guest speakers, such as a county commissioner, school board member, state legislator, and nonpartisan organization leaders will be invited to join specific sessions.

In the second year of the program, participants will help to develop the curriculum/sessions for the next leadership class.

When: Dates for the 2024 program are tentatively set for the following Saturdays: January 27, February 17, March 23, June 22, and September 28. These sessions will be in-person, probably at local libraries. Participants will also be required to attend the April 27 LWV Broward annual meeting and to attend a statewide League meeting of their choice, either in person or virtually during the program year.

Process: Applications will be due by Friday, October 20. Eight successful candidates will be invited via letter from the co-presidents on or about November 4.

Criteria: Applicants must be a member of the Broward League, be active on a committee or otherwise active within our League, and be interested in a future leadership position, such as committee chair, officer, or board director. Furthermore, they must agree to active participation in all aspects of the Leadership program for the full two years.

To Apply: Please send a document by end of day Friday, October 20 with the following information to Co-President Margie Rohrbach at

  • Name – Email – Cell Phone Number
  • How long have you been a member of the Broward League?
  • Please list the committees or roles you have actively participated in within our League and describe what you have done. In other words, do you attend committee meetings regularly, participate in other committee activities, attend statewide committee/action team meetings, attend meetings on behalf of the League, participate in LWV Broward business meetings, prepare social media posts, write for the newsletter, etc.
  • Please tell us more about yourself, especially participation (past or current) in community activities outside the League and any recent leadership roles.  
  • Include any additional information you would like us to consider.