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Published On 9/1/2024
On Nov. 5, voters statewide will decide via a proposed constitutional amendment whether they want to elect school boards members in partisan versus the current nonpartisan elections.
What difference does it make? Plenty.
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Published On 7/27/2024
It's time to schedule a talk by a trained and knowledgeable League speaker. In November, there will be a series of constitutional amendments, which the presentation will explain without recommending or opposing any of them.
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Published On 7/24/2024
On Nov. 5, voters statewide will decide via a proposed constitutional amendment whether they want to elect school boards members in partisan versus the current nonpartisan elections. What difference does it make? Plenty. After careful study, the League recommends a “NO” vote on Amendment 1, so that school board elections remain nonpartisan.
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Published On 7/13/2024
In a new partnership, the livestream of the League's virtual 2024 election forums will also be carried on WLRN's website. WLRN Public Radio and Television is licensed to the school board of Miami-Dade County.
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Published On 7/10/2024
League members talked to HUNDREDS of people at the very fun Stonewall Pride Festival in Wilton Manors June 15. You can help spread the word on these three things we emphasized:
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Published On 7/2/2024
The LWV Broward Health Care Committee partners with Florida Voices for Health, the Florida Health Justice Project and other like-minded groups in a state-wide coalition committed to improve health care access by expanding Medicaid.
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Published On 6/18/2024
As Broward County faces a crisis over what to do with almost four tons of waste created every year, the Broward League's Environmental Issues team has been promoting the idea that Broward needs to prioritize waste reduction.
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Published On 6/16/2024
Restrictions on reproductive freedom affect everyone, regardless of who they are or what they believe about abortion. The Broward League is actively involved in the campaign to get the constitutional amendment passed in November.
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Published On 6/8/2024
Broward has a dire shortage of affordable housing, and it's an issue getting attention from the League of Women Voters of Broward.The Broward County Commission recently adopted its first master plan on what to do about affordable housing. The 10-year-plan lays out a series of steps the county and its individual 31 cities should take. You can see it here:
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Published On 5/26/2024
Supervisor of Elections Joe Scott joined us to answer our answers questions about cleaning up voting rolls, precinct selection, early voting sites, new VBM form, new VR form, and more. Watch the YouTube video of the May 8 program here.
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Published On 4/28/2024
Here in Broward our county officials and 28 of our 31 cities have come to an agreement to develop a comprehensive solid waste plan to deal with our almost 4 million tons of waste created every year. We don't have many places to put that trash. The waste is polluting our air, water and bodies and is a significant contributor to climate change.
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Published On 4/28/2024
Gardeners know it's about planting seeds. Not all of them will grow, so it's better to plant a lot.
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Published On 4/15/2024
Our spring luncheon featured as keynote speaker Sun Sentinel Managing Editor Gretchen Day-Bryant.
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Published On 2/2/2024
Gun Violence Prevention ended 2023 having distributed almost 10,000 free gun locks!
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Published On 1/9/2024
The Margaret McGrath League Leadership Program kicks off its first year Jan. 27 with a class of eight members.
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Published On 1/1/2024
If you missed a program offered on Zoom, there's a good chance you can watch it on YouTube at your convenience.

Read more. Click on the headline.
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Published On 11/25/2023
Monica Elliott, Co-President LWVBC and Voters Services Chair, LWVBC & LWVFL, presented a talk Sept. 13 on about the new election laws, which have been passed in each of the last three Florida legislative sessions.
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Published On 10/2/2023
The League Board of directors discussed efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion at the Sept. 23 meeting of the board of directors. Here are notes of that discussion.
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Published On 9/26/2023
This past January, the League lost an active member and leader when Margaret McGrath died unexpectedly. In her memory, friends and family generously donated to a fund the Broward League established to develop future leaders, like Margaret, in our League.
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Published On 9/25/2023
In 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as "Women's Equality Day" to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women the right to vote. But this year, rather than calling it Equality Day, the U.S. league is calling it INequality Day because women are losing rights and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has still not been added to the U.S. Constitution.
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Published On 9/25/2023
The LWV Broward Education Funding Board, the 501c3 branch of the League of Women Voters of Broward County, has recently approved a $500 donation to the Women’s Suffrage National Monument Foundation.
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Published On 9/2/2023
The Broward League of Women Voters is proud to share that our Lock It Up! gun violence prevention program is spreading to other leagues.
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Published On 8/3/2023
The Stay Woke Florida! Rolling Protest came to Fort Lauderdale Thursday, June 22.
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Published On 8/3/2023
The effective date of Florida’s 6-week abortion ban legislation is tied to the Florida Supreme Court ruling on a case challenging the constitutionality of the 15-week abortion ban passed last year. That lawsuit argues that the 15-week abortion ban violates the Florida Constitution’s broad right to privacy. Oral argument has been set for Friday, Sept. 8, at 9 a.m.
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Published On 7/15/2023
If you want to continue to vote using vote-by-mail ballots, you MUST make a NEW request with the Broward County Supervisor of Elections. This applies to EVERY registered voter.

We have always had to make new requests for vote-by-mail ballots, but previously, a request was good through two general elections. With the new election laws, a request is only good through one general election, which was just completed in November 2022.

So, like voting, just do it. Go to and click on the big banner on the home page. Or, you can call 954-357-7055.

Whether online or by phone, you will need to supply either the last 4 digits of your social security number or your drivers license/Florida identification number.
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Published On 7/1/2023
Elected officials are your representatives. Sharing your opinions and ideas with elected officials at all levels of government is beneficial for democracy. It doesn’t matter if you voted for the official or not. They are still YOUR representative.
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Published On 5/19/2023
One of the Broward League’s past presidents, Priscilla Hawk, passed away in May, and hers is an inspiring story worth sharing.
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Published On 3/1/2023
The League of Women Voters of Broward mourns the passing of an active member, Margaret McGrath, who served on the board of the League’s Education Fund. You can make a donation in her memory to the Margaret McGrath Memorial Fund. The League will use the money to fund a project Margaret would have loved and supported.
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Published On 12/7/2022
Don't be shy about calling your elected officials. Your voice helps them decide what to do about the issues and pending legislation or local ordinances. Tell them how you think a law will affect you or your family, business or community.
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Published On 12/6/2022
Attending the 14th Annual Southeast Florida Climate Leadership Summit in Fort Lauderdale this week was an honor and a wonderful opportunity to hear speakers and panelists on the forefront of the climate change crisis. It was also inspiring and enjoyable to connect with fellow Leaguers, other environmental activists, elected officials and industry.
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Published On 10/25/2022
Since early October, the League has been answering voter questions, including from members, via phone, email, and at various events. Some of the more common questions are listed and answered below. Share this information! We need Broward voters to be election ready! Encourage voters to vote-by-mail or vote early. Think of Election Day as your last chance to vote, not the only time you can vote.
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Published On 8/27/2022
About 40 people celebrated Women's Equality Day 2022 by attending a program at the Main Library presented by the League of Women Voters of Broward County.
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Published On 8/23/2022
Here are links to all the candidate forums the League of Women Voters of Broward County sponsored before the Aug. 23 primary election.
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Published On 7/20/2022
Kids Voting Broward and LWV Broward are excited to announce the winners of the "Why My Vote Counts" Student Video Contest. Kids Vote Broward provided the prize money, and the League managed the contest. Share these videos with everyone you know, but especially young people!
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Published On 6/2/2022
How much do you know about gun violence? The facts aren't pretty, but do you know them?
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Published On 6/2/2022
If you think guns are often used in self defense, then learn the facts here.
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Published On 5/26/2022
After many months of deliberation, the Broward County Commission approved a change to its administrative code to ban single use plastics on county property.
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Published On 4/30/2022
What is the state of affordable housing in Broward County? Sandra Veszi Einhorn of the The Coordinating Council of Broward answered that question at a presentation to the League on April 26. Click the headline to watch a video of the presentation.
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Published On 4/16/2022
This document should be considered the official guidance from our state headquarters that many members have sought after learning about our landslide victory in our litigation surrounding the voter suppression vehicle that was Senate Bill 90 (2021). Until notified differently, this guidance must be adhered to by the Florida League members who participate in League-sanctioned voter registration efforts.
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Published On 3/26/2022
What does a "Gender Equity Report" for Broward County say about how women are doing here? For a start, it spells out the earning gap between genders -- and it's not a happy picture.
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Published On 2/24/2022
Bills being debated and passed in the Florida Legislature regarding our American history, who we are, and how we discuss these topics are antithetical to the League. I believe all League members are people who continue to grow and learn, and I hope that is what all of us are doing during Black History Month, no matter the color of our skin.
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Published On 1/24/2022
The contrast is stark between the Civil Rights events in Washington, D.C. led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the January 6, 2021 mob attack on the U.S. Capitol of those seeking to overturn the legitimate election of President Joe Biden.
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Published On 11/7/2021
Below are some of the definitions being changed by HB 167. Full text of the bill can be found at You can follow this bill by going to and then inserting “167” in the bill # box and click on Search.
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Published On 9/22/2021
The U.S. League, the Florida League, and the Broward League all include within their programs support of the Constitutional right of an individual woman to make reproductive choices in private with availability and access to services needed. For some women, that choice may be an abortion.
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Published On 9/19/2021
Just like the suffragists, who always persevered, the Broward League has not given up on telling their story through an exhibit members created about the suffrage movement.
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Published On 9/6/2021
U.S. Representative Alcee Hastings died on April 6, 2021. November 2 is the primary election for Democratic and Republican candidates. January 11, 2022 is the general election, where the winner of the Democratic and Republican primaries will be on the ballot, along with the Libertarian and No Party Affiliation candidates.
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Published On 8/30/2021
Women’s Equality Day was Aug. 26, but after 18 months dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, “equality” has a hollow ring for women today.

Every economic report indicates that it is women who have been hit the hardest, especially women with school-age children or elder parents to care for and women on the lower economic scale or women of color.
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Published On 8/12/2021
“American history has completely erased the martyrs of 1920.” Quote from Dr. Paul Ortiz’s book Emancipation Betrayed. Ortiz’s presentation on the Ocoee Massacre to our League on August 11 was a sobering and enlightening event.
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Published On 7/19/2021
Under the “One Person, One Vote” doctrine handed down by the U. S. Supreme Court, each district for a particular office needs to have the same number of people. After the decennial census, every political district must be redrawn to reflect any population changes.
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Published On 7/19/2021
It was great to be out in public again on the Fourth of July – first for the City of Weston’s parade and then for the City of Miramar’s Independence Day event! Thank you to Katy Syed and Linda Bloomfield for helping me to educate voters. I know they were as excited as I was to finally be set free! If you are interested in voter registration, education, and get out the vote efforts, contact Andrea Sleeper (, who is our League’s Voter Registration and Education Coordinator. You do have to be a League member to register voters.
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Published On 6/23/2021
Here's where League funds come from, why we need more and what you can do about it.
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Published On 6/23/2021
At our June 9, 2021, general meeting, the League of Women Voters of Broward heard from Madeline Kaufman and Olivia Williamson from the University of Miami's Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, who talked about their Rescue a Reef project. This is a fascinating research project and hands-on effort to save our coral reefs from the damage caused by several factors including climate change.
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Published On 6/21/2021
Plastic trash is littering the land, our waterways and oceans. Marine life is dying too. When it's thrown away, it doesn't just disappear. Microplastic is showing up everywhere... including our food. Learn more here about how to eat less plastic.
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Published On 5/20/2021
The only item that the Florida legislature is constitutionally bound to complete each session is the passage of a budget. Too bad they did more than that this year! Three laws in particular are going to affect the League and how we will be operating in the future.
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Published On 4/21/2021
Although this might be news to certain groups in the legislature, Florida does have a modern constitution. It was completely redone in 1968 to produce the 6th constitution for the state. However, it seems like the current legislature has gone back in time - way back in time - to embrace the 5th constitution, passed in 1885, which embraced the beginning of what would be called the “Jim Crow” era, legalizing voter suppression. It was also the 1885 constitution that decided local governments should apply to the legislature for anything but the most routine needs.
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Published On 3/29/2021
Please contact your US Congressperson and our two US Senators. We are asking them to support the Central and South Florida Flood Resiliency Study in the federal 2022 budget. The US Army Corps of Engineers, the South Florida Water Management District and our local officials are urging approval of funds to study flood risk here in South Florida. The study will look at current conditions and future sea level rise projections to recommend specific improvements to our flood control structures. Please contact your public officials as individuals.
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Published On 3/24/2021
The fight for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is even longer (98 years) than the fight for the 19th Amendment (considered to be 78 years). While the ERA was repeatedly revised and reintroduced, it wasn’t until March 22, 1972 that a revised ERA passed the US Congress: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” Twenty-four words – that is all we are asking for!
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Published On 3/9/2021
The Broward League went door to door in Coconut Creek urging participation in the municipal election. See photo here and learn more.
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Published On 2/23/2021
The League has updated its popular brochure listing Broward County's elected officials following the 2020 election.
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Published On 2/22/2021
Delving more into Black history this month, I am understanding more about the two barriers that Black women faced in the past, and still face today – being Black and being a woman.
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Published On 2/10/2021
The effort to elect the president via national popular vote is gaining momentum. Click on the headline to see the video of a League presentation on the topic and an op-ed published in the Sun Sentinel that was written by Mary Jo Mosca, who chairs the National Popular Vote committee for the Broward League.
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Published On 2/2/2021
Our recent program on "Plastics: "A Scourge or a Blessing" with County Commissioner Beam Furr and Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy was recorded. You can see a link to the video and find more resources in this article.
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Published On 1/30/2021
The top priorities for the Florida League for the 2021 Legislative Session are:
1. Voting and Election Law
2. Natural Resources
3. Health Care
4. Education
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Published On 1/19/2021
Although the official beginning of the 2021 Legislative session is not until March 2, bills have been and are being introduced and committee meetings began the week of January 11. If you want to track specific bills in either the House or Senate, you can sign up for alerts.
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Published On 1/19/2021
What happened on January 6th in our Capitol was a riot, a violent public disorder. This is in contrast to the protests (organized public demonstrations) which have occurred previously in D.C. Did you know that the first group to picket the White House were the women of the National Woman’s Party, who picketed for almost two years for women’s suffrage?
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Published On 1/3/2021
This year was challenging on many fronts, but 2020 saw many important expansions for our democracy. Never has our work as defenders of democracy been more important. More voters than ever before participated in our elections in 2020, thanks in part to the work of the League across the country.
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Published On 12/15/2020
It's not a contradiction: Explaining how the League is true to two founding principals -- being nonpartisan but also advocating for causes.
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Published On 12/7/2020
For the 2020 Elections, LWVBC members have worked like never before to register voters, educate voters and get voters to the polls, even if the poll location was the voter’s home. Our suffragist predecessors would have been proud. We didn’t give up, even in the face of a global pandemic!
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Published On 9/1/2020
Targeted distribution of 10,000 door hangers reminding people to vote, how to vote and why they should vote was completed by members of the League, Florida Voter Mobilization Project, and Voter Participation Project.
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Published On 9/1/2020
In a continuation of the LWV Florida project to register returning citizens, a postcard campaign is being initiated.

Postcards will be sent to returning citizens who have no outstanding financial obligations.
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Election News

Published On 9/22/2022
The official vote count for Broward County for the Aug. 23 election demonstrated that voters prefer to use Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballots, with 136,413 VBM ballots cast out of 260,678 (over 50%). However, more VBM ballots would have been counted if voters had followed the instructions.
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Published On 6/11/2022
Census information has many uses, with one being the redrawing of political districts at all levels of government to account for changes in population and ensure equal representation. This is referred to as redistricting. While almost all political boundaries for elected offices have changed in the county, none changed as dramatically as the Broward County Commission Districts. The new map reflects the new demographics in the county based on the 2020 census numbers.
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Published On 5/19/2022
Voters are always surprised to see judicial races on their ballots, which means they often don’t select a candidate at all, or they just randomly select a candidate.
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Published On 4/8/2022
Over 475,000 Broward County registered voters used Vote-By-Mail ballots to cast their vote in the 2020 general election. But some voters have concerns about Vote-By-Mail, such as: Has the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office sent my ballot? Or, has the SOE received my ballot and counted it? No need to worry in this year’s election. The Broward SOE has added a new tool to keep voters informed about their Vote-By-Mail ballot using BallotTrax.

Read more....
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Published On 3/31/2022
Even though the first countywide election is not until August 23, you should check your voter registration status now and continue to check it. Why? First, every Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office is required by law to check their voter lists, a process referred to as “list maintenance.” There are many ways this is done, and while great care is done during the process, there is always the possibility for errors. (Read full story by clicking the headline.)
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